PT Alihakarya established at September 2004. PT Alihkarya is a member of PT Alihdaya Group, a national company with the core business in total integrated outsource solution.
Caroline Officer Telkomsel
– Diploma D3 graduate
– 27 years old maximum
– Speaks English, passive / active
– Willing to work at rotation system
– Interesting remuneration offered.
Kirim lamaran lengkap dan CV Anda sebelum 6 November 2008 ke:
PT Alihkarya
Wisma IWI lt. 4
Jl. Arjuna Selatan kav. 75
Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta, 11530
Doan Wahyu Phermana
Bersama Ini saya mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan kepada perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin.Oleh karena itu apabila ada kesempatan untuk bergabung menjadi Karyawan.
Identitas diri sebagai berikut:
Nama : Doan Wahyu Phermana
TTL : Malang, 10 Oktober 1984
Alamat : Jl Sultan Agung 81 Singosari 81 Singosari Malang
Pnddkn Terakhir : D3 Manajemen Keuangan & Perbankan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2007
Telephone : 081230127137
Pengalaman Kerja :
1. Monitoring Reload Pulsa International di Jakarta
2. Pengawas Pruksi PT KMJ Krian Sidoarjo Unit PT BERLINA Pandaan
3. Adminitrasi Produksi PR. GAGAK HITAM Bondowoso
Demikian Surat Lamaran pkerjaan saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatiannya terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Doan Wahyu Phermana
Dear Sir or mam,
I’m interested in applying for any position in your company. Based on my experiences, I would like to join in your company.
I challenges me to develop my capability. I offer high energy, ability to work under pressure, independently or as a team, and willingness to work hard and learn. I believe with strong motivation and eagerness to learn, will bring me as a good candidate for your company.
I look forward to the opportunity for an interview to give you more details about myself.
Thank you for your kind attention.
I am so interested to be caroline officer of telkomsel palangkaraya. Please send me some information about this chance, I mean qualifications from this job. I live in Muara Teweh, Kalteng, post graduate from english department of Palangkaraya University. Thanks before.
please sent me a mesagge if i have a opurtunity in this case. for customer service posisition