PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sangatta East Kalimantan and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world.
Opportunities exist for a seasoned, high caliber, professional to join the Company with job Assignment in Sangata-East Kalimantan for the positions of:
Coordinator Logistic (Code CL)
Key elements of the position include:
- Liaise with expediting team to anticipate schedule of the goods arrival and handling method as agreed by supplier in a purchase order.
- Update and co-ordinate with port services team to prepare appropriate handling equipment to discharge the goods in accordance with specific standard handling.
- Communicate with customs clearance to ensure the goods are released in timely manner.
- Prepare appropriate transportation of the goods from port services to designated points appointed by customers including escorts in accordance with KPC and Government standard procedure.
- Communicate with customer’s schedule of the goods to be dispatched and arrived in order to suit commissioning schedule.
- Constantly take the lead to develop, establish and review a safe standard practice in delivering goods in various size and type.
- Co-ordinate and prepare lay-down yard and other facilities such as goods storages, site offices required for expansion projects including relocation pf existing facilities due to establishment of project extent.
Qualifications & Experience:
- Tertiary qualification (S1) in Engineering or related qualification with 3 years experience in logistic management.
- Having knowledge or ability to quickly gain knowledge of Indonesian import and export and other prevailing regulation for goods delivery.
- Analytical, Problem Solving and Influencing Skills.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skill (written & oral) in both Bahasa Indonesia and English (Level 6).
- Understanding supply chain management and continuous improvement techniques.
If your background meets these requirements, forward your resume (including details of present positions & remuneration and your latest color photograph) no later than 29 April 2009 to the following address:
Superintendent Recruitment
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
PO Box 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
or E-mail:
Please indicate the position code in the email subject.
Kepada yth; pimpinan n personalia PT KPC
saya atas nama: sahid nur muslikin
usia: 23tahun
pendidikan: SLTA
Sim: b2 kaltim
pengalaman: mengoperasikan dump truck selama 1 tahun
nomor hand phone: 085346264447
bermaksud ingin bergabung diperusahaan yang bapak atau ibu pimpin sebagai operator, mohon dipertimbangkan,
terima kasih
sahid nur muslikhin
Kpd Yth,
Pimpinan HRD Departement
di tempat
Dengan ini saya,
Ttl : Jember 16-12-1981 (JATIM)
Umur : 30th
Pend : D1 Informatika
Agama : Islam
Warga negara : Indonesia
Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki
Telpon : 085859938350
Dengan ini saya ingin mengajukan permohonan kerja pada perusahaan anda
( KPC ) yg bergerak di bidang mining coal.
Sebagai pertimbangan bahwasanya untuk pengalaman, saya pernah bekerja di
PT.KPUC (Kayan Putra Utama Coal) di posisi bagian Maintenent Unit
(perawatan&service alat-alat DUTY).
Demikian permohonan kerja ini saya buat,dan besar harapan saya untuk
di terima dan bergabung di perusahaan yg anda pimpin,sekian dan saya ucapkan terimakasih atas waktu yg telah di berikan pada saya.
Hormat saya,
Kepada Yth,
Pimpinan perusahaan
di tempat
Bahwa yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Nama: kalep
Tempat tanggal lahir : palopo 27 mei 1986
Agama: kristen
Pendidikin terakhir: S1
Fakultas EKONOMI
Status: belum menikah
No hp: 085341269550
pengalaman kerja, tahun 2005 menjadi pengawas karyawan di supermarket W-Mart makassar sampai 2006
tahun 2006 sampai 2012 menjadi team leader di PT.CARREFOUR MAKASSAR
Saya bersedia di tempatkan di bontang kalimantan
Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat, besar harapan saya kiranya dapat di terima di perusahaan yang bapak ibu pimpin. terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Yth. Pimpinan Personalia
Dengan Hormat
Nama : Feri Nugroho Putro
Alamat : Jl.Anthrasit K65 Sangata Baru
Kutai Timur
No Telp : 0549- 21685 {081346250698
Tempat tanggal lahir : Jakarta 05-03-1982
Agama : Kristen
Pendidikan : SMK Perhotelan
Status : Menikah
Suku/ Bangsa : Jawa/ Indonesia
Pengalaman Kerja :2001 s/d 2003 sebagai
missionary gereja
operator audio studio music
Driver di Jakarta
2007s/d 2011 sebagai
Driver antar jemput anak sekolah
di Sidoarjo
Saya bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja.
Demikian permohonan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya,besar harapan kami bisa dapat diterima diperusahaan yang bapak/ibu pimpin dan sebelumnya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih .
Sangata, 31 Mei 2012
Hormat Saya
Feri Nugroho Putro