UNDP Indonesia’s mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.
Organizational Context
Under the guidance and supervision of the Operations Manager and direct supervisor, the driver provides reliable and safe driving services ensuring high accuracy of work. The driver demonstrates a client-oriented approach, high sense of responsibility, courtesy, tact and the ability to work with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
The driver provides driving services to the operations and programme staff in the CO, consultants and experts, UN staff on mission.
Summary of key functions:
- Provision of reliable and safe driving services
- Proper use of vehicle
- Proper day to day maintenance of the assigned vehicle
- Availability of all the required documents/supplies
- All immediate action
- Ensures provision of reliable and secure driving services by a) driving office vehicles for the transport of authorized personnel and delivery and collection of mail, documents and other items and b) meeting official personnel and visitors at the airport, visa and customs formalities arrangement when required.
- Ensures cost-savings through proper use of vehicle through accurate maintenance of daily vehicle logs, provision of inputs to preparation of the vehicle maintenance plans and reports.
- Ensures proper day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicle through timely minor repairs, arrangements for major repairs, timely changes of oil, check of tires, brakes, car washing, etc.
- Ensures availability of all the required documents/supplies including vehicle insurance, vehicle logs, office directory, map of the city/country, first aid kit, necessary spare parts.
- Ensures that all immediate actions required by rules and regulations are taken in case of involvement in accidents.
Impact of Results
The key results have an impact on the accurate and timely execution of the CO services
Competencies and Critical Success Factors
Corporate Competencies:
- Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Knowledge Management and Learning
- Shares knowledge and experience
- Provides helpful feedback and advice to others in the office
Development and Operational Effectiveness
- Demonstrates excellent knowledge of driving rules and regulations and skills in minor vehicle repair
- Demonstrates excellent knowledge of protocol
- Demonstrates excellent knowledge of security issues
Leadership and Self-Management
- Focuses on result for the client
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
- Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
- Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of views
Secondary education and valid driver’s license
2 years work experience as a driver; safe driving record, knowledge of driving rules and regulations and skills in minor vehicle repair.
Language Requirements:
Fluency in the language of the duty station, knowledge of the UN language of the duty station.
I’d love to join in UNDP, while working broaden, my phone no is 021-92352858
Seiring dengan pengelaman saya, saya supir,sim b1 umum. bermaksud mengajukan permohonan lamaran kerja.
Besar harapan saya untuk dapat kiranya diterima sesuai dengan pengalaman saya
Atas perhatianya diucapikan terimakasih.
:-c telepon saya HP:081372122738
Dengan hormat,
Saya mengajukan lamaran untuk posisi “Driver”, sebagai bahan pertimbangan adalah data pribadi saya :
Nama : Heri Nizarudin Hasibuan
Alamat : Jl. Pisangan Baru Tengah
No. 11 Rt.005/14
Pisangan Baru – Jakarta
Timur 13110
Telp. 021-33687768
Agama : Islam
Pendidikan : STMN Pembangunan
Jakarta jurusan Outomotiif
Referensi pengalaman kerja:
1. Bekerja di PT. Sriyaniasti
Bertugas sebagai mekanik
masa kerja 1 tahun
2. Bekerja di PT. Blue Bird
Bertugas sebagai mekanik
masa kerja 5 tahun
3. Bekerja di PT. Martina Berto
Bertugas sebagai driver
masa kerja 5 tahun
4. Bekerja di PT. Semesta Eltrindo
Bertugas sebagai driver
masa kerja 4 tahun
Demikian lamaran dan data pribadi saya dan atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Heri Nizarudin Hasibuan
Kepada;Bpk/Ibu pimpinan.
Dengan hormat;
Nama:Endut hotama panggabean
alamat;jl;sipitu-pitu pematang siantar.
pengalaman kerja sebagai supir truk selama 10 thn.memiliki SIM B1 UMUM.mobil yang pernah saya kendarai 10 roda atau tronton.pengalaman perjalanan kerja antar pulau sumatera-pulau jawa.pekerja keras,bertanggung jawab,jujur,tahan tantangan.siap ditempatkan kerja di seluruh wilayah indonesia atau luar negeri.dengan ini saya mengajukan surat lamaran ini,untuk msebagai supir di UNDP Indonesia.untuk menghubungi saya dengan nomor Hp:081260887742/081220226403.Sekian Dan Terimakasih.