They say great minds think alike.
So imagine the power of 19,300 people around the world all thinking together. In over 120 countries, Bekaert devoted our combined brainpower to solving huge challenges in advanced metal transformation and advanced materials and coatings. Because, like everything we do, we believe that innovation that is done better together.
But just because you are part of a big team does not mean you can not achieve incredible things of your own. We are quick to give talented people responsibility, and you will soon find yourself leaving your personal mark on your work. And of course, as a leading multinational with annual sales of over 3 billion Euro, your performance will be rewarded.
So if you have drive, the talent and the individuality to advance ideas that can change the lives of thousands of customers around the world, we know just the place to come and do it.
Don’t you think we are better together?
In order to supports its business expansion in Karawang, PT Bekaert Indonesia is looking for talents to fill the following positions:
Your Role:
- You will manage and carry out all aspects in Cost Accounting, Cost Controlling, and Financial Reporting to enhance system and procedures of a large department or business unit.
- You will do tax administration and liaison with tax officer in case of tax audit. You will identify tax exposure of the company and ensure tax compliance with the regulation.
Your qualifications:
- Have good teamwork, service orientation, able to work under pressure, and good with details.
- Hold a Bachelor Degree in Finance/Accounting with GPA 3.0 above, with 3-5 years working in the same field.
- Having knowledge of tax regulation and possess tax brevet will be advantage.
- Excellent speaking and writing ability of English supported with good MS. Office.
Please send your application letter, detailed CV and recent photograph to:
PT. Bekaert Indonesia
Kawasan Industri Suryacipta
Jl. Surya Utama Kav. I-14
Karawang 41361
Saya,pria 23th lulusan SMK JURUSA OTOMOTIF,tinggi badan 170cm,pengalaman kerja PT.HONDA PROSPECT MOTOR,PT ASMO INDONESIA
saya, pria 20 tahun lulusan SMA IPA 2008, tinggi badan 170 cm. ingin sekali bekerja di PT. Bekaert Indonesia. pengalaman kerja di PT. NT Piston Ring Indonesia.
Ph : 085711066660
saya,pria umur 22 lulusan smk jur.otomotif 2007,tingi/berat badan 165/55.ingin bekerja di PT.bekaert indonesia.pengalaman kerja 2 th di Yamaha motor part manufacturing indonesia karawang.
ph: 085222888131
terima kasih
saya ingin sekali bekerja di PT Bekaert Indonesia pengalaman saya sebagai internal auditor di perusahaan retail dari tahun 1998 sd sekarang. pengalaman komputer sangat memuaskan.
phone : 08889659806