An Oil & Gas Service Company requires the following position:
Financial & Accounting Officer
- Age maximum 40 with minimum 5 years experience,
- Minimum Diploma Level (D3),
- Proficient in tax and Computer literate,
- English is a must,
- Ability to work under pressure.
Send CV to:
No later than 16 July, 2010.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing this letter regarding to the information from website there is a vacant position for Internal Auditor.
I am 28th years of age and have graduated from IBII (Institute Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia) since 2006. I have been worked at PT. Balina Agung Perkasa (the largest distributor of mineral water “AQUA”) since May 2007 until September 2010 as a Head of Cimanggis Branch.
Moreover, I enclosed my curriculum vitae for your further consideration. I will be pleased to perform my best and hope my qualification will meet your requirement. Please notify me at anytime for any information concerning my application.
I thank you in advance for your kind attention and consideration. I am looking forward for your prompt response in the near future.
Best Regards
Mikhael Sutanto (Phn : 0818-08724333 )
saya tamatan S1 ekonomi tahun 2010
jurusan manajemen keuangan
Jika ada lowongan Bpk / Ibu bisa menghubungi saya d nomor ini 081342450423.
sekian dan terima kasih.
Saya pria 39thn, S-1 Akunting. Pengalama bekerja terakhir sbg Manajer Finance, Accounting & Tax, sejak 2003-skrg tax consultant free lance dijakarta.
Saya ingin bekerja penuh diperusahaan, dengan melepaskan pekerjaan skrg dengan alasan ingin meniti jenjang karier yang baik.
Pengalaman kerja sbg konsultan, keahlian, dedikasi adalah modal keyakinan saya untuk bisa bekerja dengan baik sebagaimana yang diharapkan perusahaan.
Demikian sekilas profile saya, semoga mendapat respon yang saya harapkan. Terima kasih.
Saya Tamatan SMK 2010…
JRSAN.Teknik Mekanik Otomotif.
law ada lowngan ksh tau ya pak / ibu
hp 085669061311