Career in Sexual Health
Angsamerah Company, a health service provider specialized in sexual and reproductive health and sexually transmitted infection (STIs) is seeking applications from qualified individuals (part and full time) for the positions of:
- Minimum S-1 Medical Degree
- Maximum age 40
- Able to train / mentor
2. NURSE (3 persons)
- Minimum S-1 Nursing Academy
- Maximum age 35
3. MIDWIFE (3 persons)
- Minimum D3 / D4 Midwifery School
- Maximum age 35
General selection criteria for all positions
- General understanding and experience in sexual and reproductive health, STIs and HIV/AIDS.
- Minimum 2 years experience in clinical service.
- Good organizational and computer skills;
- Able to communicate in English.
Application and CV only to be submitted to the Operations Manager by email to: not later than Tuesday 10 November 2009, COB 4.00 pm.
respected sir
I would like to apply for the position midwife.
I was graduated from poltekkes jakarta 1 on 2007
I have 3 years working experience in hospital at kingdom saudi arabia.
I hope my educational background and excellent achievement on current work merit to your consideration.
Thank you for kind attention
Iam lookin forwad to your reply sincerly.
Bagian HRD
Angsa merah
saya ingin sekali bergabung dengan klinik angsamerah dan saya adalah lulusan dari fakultas kesehatan masyarakat, pengalaman kerja di RSUKI sudah cukup berpengalaman, latar belakang perawat dan pernah mengikuti pelatihan HIV/AIDS
terima kasih.