Mechanical Engineering PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators

PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators Image


Our company was established more than a quarter of a century ago. Today we are a welt established homegrown company with an excellent track record locally and internationally in turkey construction of oil& gas platforms and similar facilities.

We are looking for fresh and experienced professionals to join our team to cater for our growth and expansion including being involved with current contracts outside Indonesia. Fresh graduates (S1) will be offered to loin our comprehensive Management Trainee Programs whilst those with the relevant experience will be assigned to positions commensurate with their respective background.

The candidates we are bolting for must be a graduate of good academic standing from a recognized university with good communication and leadership qualities. A good command of English is an obvious advantage.
Successful candidates must he prepared to travel (including offshore) and be stationed in Cilegon, Kalimantan or anywhere within the Nusantara or abroad.

Our Management Trainee Program shall be for a period of up to one year during this period the Trainees will be exposed to various aspects of company operations.

The company reserves the right to offer permanent or contract positions to candidates whose performance meet the standards set by the company (subject to availability of positions) at end of the training period.

We prefer professionals from the following disciplines:

  1. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
  2. Civil/Structural Engineering (CE)
  3. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EE)
  4. Materials or Metallurgical Engineering (MTR)
  5. Engineering Physics (EP)
  6. Offshore Engineering (OE)

Please send a resume including all educational certificates and a passport photograph (non-returnable); stating position applied for ME, CE, EE, MTR, EP, OE not later than May 29th 2010 by email to:

HRD Manager,
JI. Bendungan Hilir Raya No.60
Jakarta Pusat. 10210

6 Replies to “Mechanical Engineering PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators”

  1. Setria

    Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini.nama setria,ttl selayo 18.08.1982.tamatan smk.pengalaman kerja pipe fitter di perusahaan batamec. 2.dry dock 3.kijang indah lestari .4 bintan tiga putra 5.ramadia mitra buana mc dermott indonesia. bintan offshore.8 pt mc dermott indonesia.jika ada lowongan yang sesuai dengan pengalaman saya,informasikan ke no hp:081928549943 n :085365886844.terima kasih


    saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini
    Nama : Bambang hermanto
    Pendidikan : SMK
    Alamat : Perum pandawa asri blok E3 No 8
    Batu Aji Batam
    Hp : 081270698460

    Pengalaman Kerja
    1. Pt. Tranaco ( Pipe pitter)
    2. Pt. Ampera Jaya Bersama ( Pipe pitter)
    3. Pt. Draydock Word Pertama ( Pipe pitter)
    4. Pt. mc dermoct ( Pipe pitter)

    Besar harapan saya dapat bergabung dengan perusahaan
    yang bapak ibu pimpin.

    hormat saya

    bambang hermanto

  3. sahbi

    Saya adalah ex, karyawan Pt. Guna Nusa Utama Fab. Project Tota Peciko-6 Senipah, Positoin; Pipe Fitter first Class, mencari kerja di Perusahaan mana saja bila ada lowongan untuk job Pipe Fitter atau Fitter Structural,


    ingin mencari pekerjaan di bidang tehnik..yg di naungi di bwh parusahaan ternama….

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