Career Opportunity at MBSS
PT. MITRA BAHTERA SEGARASEJATI (MBSS) is a privately owned Indonesian shipping and barging company that provides professional and competitive logistical services to the Indonesian and International coal industries. The company was established in 1993 and since its inception has supported and grown with the Indonesian coal industry.
- Female, age max 28 years old of age,
- Minimum Diploma III, Majoring in Port and Shipping Management,
- Minimum 1 year industrial experience in administer all offshore activity or agency.
Role & Responsibility:
- Keep track of all offshore activities include: a. Transshipment and Direct Shipment, b. Transshipment activity, c. Vessel Movement, d. Vessel Bunkering, e. Vessel Deficiency including heavy equipment (heavy equipment) that includes Tonnage, Working hours and shift.
- Reporting to related parties.
- Male/Female, age max. 30 years old,
- Minimum Diploma III, majoring in Port and Shipping Management,
- Experience in handling crewing manning or agency.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Monitoring and processing crew documents,
- Assist Crewing Superintendent to recruitment crew,
- Assist Crewing Superintendent to monitoring and evaluation crew,
- Reporting to related parties.
- Female, age max 28 years old of age,
- Minimum Diploma III, majoring in Public health or Environment,
- Minimum 1-2 years industrial experience in Health Safety and Environment.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Monitoring Log Book & fill in and back up data files in office,
- To maintain all safety equipments/safety appliances,
- Administer investigation incident or accident.
- Male, age maximal 30 years old,
- Minimum DIII, majoring in Nautical/ ANT III (Preferably fresh graduate).
Role & Responsibilities:
- Ensure loading coal from port to barge,
- Ensure transshipment process from barge to mother vessel,
- Handling vessel crew request,
- Monitoring crew performance on the vessel.
- Male, age max 30 years old of age,
- Minimum DIII, majoring in Technical/ATP III/ATP II,
- Minimum 3-5 years industrial experience in shipping industry.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Reviews repair request and compares request with previous work accomplished on ship concerned and similar vessels to determine that expenditures are economically sound,
- Prepares recommendations for work, and initiates procurement of materials,
- Maintains records of engineering costs for each vessel, such as repairs, supplies, and personnel.
- Male, Age max. 40 years old,
- Marine background or naval engineering,
- Well experience as owner surveyor.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Control docking (Ensure plate installed in accordance with the spec, welding in accordance to the requisition with good quality, etc.),
- Ensure that jobs in Shipyard according to the requisition and a good standard,
- Ensure the Class to maintain the Company s mission,
- Recap and make a written report (including accountability budgeting) each the supervision of a ship dock is finished.
General Requirement:
- Fluent in English both oral & written,
- Computer literacy (min. MS Office),
- Willing to be place at Kalimantan Island,
- Willing to travel to all Company Site.
To apply for this position, please forward your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph to the address or email below :
PO BOX 4534 JKTM 12700
Or e-mail to: and/or
name : Herry Sutrisna
age :25
Engineer class 3 and certificate complete.
exp. 2 years on tanker vessel.
phone +62813 2942 5052
I would like a join to your company. thanks
Name : Arman
Rank : Oiler
Place,date og birth :Samarinda 17 August 1987
Marital Status : Single
Addres : Perum PGRI no 04 Blok I Batu Aji BATAM
Phone Number : +6285246724944
-TB.MBI (INDONESIA) GRT.121 HP.1200 1 years
-TB.DEWI I (INDONESIA) GRT.89 HP.1200 1 Years
Email :
First name Nasal Yasi Pabita
Last name
Place, date of birth Jayapura,23 july 1986
Marital Status Single
Sex Male
Nationality INDONESIA
Address Kebun Bawang XI No: 33B
Telephone 021-43933237
Mobile 081218073225
religiaon protestand
Further details:
Pasport no. P. 815298 (Indonesia)
Place of issue Makassar
Date of issue 31 aug 2007
Date of expire 31 aug 2012
Seaman Book no T. 066892
Place of issue Makassar
Date of issue 28 agustus 2007
Date of expire 28 agustus 2012
Certificate of Competency
Certificate Certificate number Place and Date of issue
Deck Officer Class (ANT) III 6200252790N30410 Jakarta, 14 July 2010
Endorsement 6200252790N30410 Jakarta, 28 July 2010
Certificate of Proficiency
Certificate Certificate number Place and Date of issue
Basic Safety Training 6200252790010407 Makassar, 28 Feb 2007
Advance Fire Fighting 6200252790060407 Makassar, 08 March 2007
Survival Craft and Rescue Boat 6200252790040407 Makassar, 02 March 2007
Medical First Aid 6200252790070407 Makassar, 10 Feb 2007
ARPA Simulator 6200252790020407 Makassar, 24 August 2007
Tanker Familiarization 6200252790090407 Makassar, 15 August 2007
Radar Simulator 6200252790030407 Makassar, 20 August 2007
Medical Care on Board Ship 6200252790080410 Makassar, 04 Feb 2010
Proficiency in GOC for the GMDSS 6200252790210409 Makassar, 11 Dec 2010
Ship Security Officer (SSO) 6200252790240410 Makassar, 14 July 2010
ISM Code 020/ISM CODE/PIP MKS-04 Makassar, 03 August 2010
Bridge Resource Management 0055.02.10 Makassar, 06 August 2010
Experience Of Sea Service
Vessel’s Name Flag Company Rank Duration
MV. Sari Pacific Indonesia PT. Andalas Bahtera Baruna Cadet/
Mv.sumatra Fortun Indonesia PT. IFL Cadet / Apprentice
I hereby affirm that all the information provided by me in this form is true and correct to the best of knowledge.
Sincerely yours,
Nasal Yasi Pabita
Saya ingin gabung dengan perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
Saya pernah bekerja di perusahaan Saipem selama 3 thn sebagai coating onshore & offshore..Kalo Bapak/Ibu berminat dapat menghubungi saya ke alamat ini.
Nama : Muhammad .nur
Alamat : Perum, Pondok Asri Blok S no , 5 Sei panas Batam
Hp : + 62 813 7281 8101
E_mail :
Saya yang ber tanda tangan di bawah ini :
Nama : Muhammad . nur
TTL : Medan , 01 july `1977
Alamat : Perum Pondok Asri Blok S no:5 Sei panas Batam.
Saya pernah bekerja sebagai coating onshore & offshore selama 3 thn..tolong kalo ada perusahaan yang butuh saya dapat kabari saya ke no + 62 813 7281 8101