Offshore Operations Schlumberger


A leading Oil/Gas Drilling Company urgently requires the following personnel for their expanding Land & Offshore Operations:

Rig Manager, Barge Captain, Mate,
QHSE Manager, Rig Superintendent,
Assistant Rig Superintendent,
Driller, Asst. Driller, Chief Mechanic,
Chief Electrician, Electronic Technician,
Cyber Driller, Safety Officer, Store keeper,
Rig Medic, Technical Drilling Instructor, Well Control
Training Instructor, Training Manager

The experience should be on Offshore
Jackup / Land Rigs
(Minimum 5 years experience in similar position)
The applicants must have minimum
High /Technical school
Education, Fluent in English.

(Good Terms & Conditions)

Free Food, Accommodation, Medical & Air Tickets, Insurance,
Long Term employment

Those with the requisite Qualification & Experience
may immediately forward their bio-data, 2 photos, copies of
certificates and passport to:

Arabian Drilling Company
P.O.Box: 4110-Al Khobar 31952
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: 00-966-3-3301152 Fax: 00-966-3-3300624

30 Replies to “Offshore Operations Schlumberger”

  1. Yudiansyah

    Dear Sir,
    Reffering to your Job Vacancy advertisement at bursa lowongan, herewith I would like to apply for RADIO OPERATOR position for your Project in South Mahakam – Balikpapan. With this application, for your consideration I attached my Curriculum Vitae, Recent Photograph, etc.
    I am thirty six years old and graduated from Stipan Academy of Balikpapan, Economy Master. I am very interested to joining your company. I have had eleven year’s experience as HSE/External Relation at Total E&P Indonesie on the job training program, I have worked at PT. Buminata Aji Perkasa as Crane Barge’s Radio Operator and Admin Officer for Dredging & Lifting Job and I have been working at PT. Agus Suta Line as Accommodation Work Barge’s Radio Operator and Admin Officer and I have been PT. Putra Tanjungpura as Accommodation Work Barge’s Radio Operator and Admin Officer for Dredging & Lifting Job and PT. Pelayaran Menaratama Pasifik Indah as Accommodation Work Barge’s for Lifting Job and Now at TOTAL E&P INDONESIA, Delta Mahakam East Kalimantan Area.
    I am a hard worker, a smart person, self-motivated, eager to learn, high self confidence, good common in English written and spoken, able to operate computer in Windows, Ms. Office and Internet. I have ORU, GMDSS & SKP of Radio for VHF. I am a positive person who always looks at the bright side. I can assure you that I am the best candidate for the position.
    The enclose resume will provide you more details of my personal and educational background. I would be very pleased to have the opportunity by joining your company. I am ready for a test or an interview anytime you wish. Highly appreciated for you attention to this application and I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Sincerely yours,

    HP: 0813.5089.6664

  2. MOH ALI

    Yth,HRD PT.Saipem karimun,

    Dengan hormat saya megajukan permohonan melamar kerja diPT.Saipem dengan posisi SCAFFOLDER sebagai bahan pertimbangan:
    1.sertifikat Basic scaffold
    2.pernah bekerja diPT.Kontruksi Beton Wijaksana Surabaya 1,5 tahun.
    Demikian permohonaan ini besar harapan bisa bergabung diPT.saipem,dan terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

    Hormat saya,


  3. wismoko budi santoso

    saya wismoko budi santoso,, saya lulusan smk tehnik mesin,, saya pernah bekerja di PT. SARIPARI GEOSAINS sebagai mechanik drilling,, saya berminat untuk bergabung di perusahaan bapak, atas perhatian nya saya ucapkan terima kasih,,

    hormat saya

    Wismoko budi santoso

    no.tlpn: 081276362956

  4. manatar

    i’m high school gradueted,ages 31 years old.
    I’m very interested working in this company as store keeper.
    My job experience:
    1.Helper blasting&painting at mcConnell Dowell pipa module project-Batam
    (september 2009-desember 2009)
    2.Jatim Mustika Nusa as strore keeper.
    #store keeper at Saipem Karimun construction project
    (january 2010-june 2010)
    #Store keeper at CITRA TUBINDO,tbk concrete pavement project-Batam
    (july2010-december 2010)
    #Store keeper at McDermot movement shellter project-Batam
    (january2011-march 2011)
    #store keeper at Saipem Karimun Construction project
    (march 2011-until present)

    Personal Contact:

    sincerely yours,



    Dengan hormat saya mengajukan permohonan melamar kerja diperusahan OCB dengan posisi radio Operator sebagai bahan pertimbangan:
    1.sertifikat Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
    2.sertifikat Radio Elektronika & Operator Radio(REOR)
    3.sertifikat Basic Offshore Safety & Emergency Training (BOSET) consists of:
    #Basic Life Support
    # Basic Fire Figthing
    # HUET
    # Sea Survival Training
    4. Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
    5. No.hp> 081350375606 / 05425629353
    6. email.:

    Demikan Permohonan ini besar harapan saya bisa bergabung di perusahaan offshore anda dan saya akan berusaha bekerja keras demi perusahaan tersebut

    Hormat saya,