We are expanding our operation in Indonesia and we are looking for
Technical & Sales Engineer (1 position)
Job description:
- Generate new sales.
- Provide technical and commercial support to customers.
- Conduct technical product trainings, introduce and demonstrate the performance of new product to Customers.
Suitable candidate:
- Analytical mind and thorough working attitude.
- Production engineering professionals with good knowledge of modern CNC machining techniques in Milling, Turning and Drilling operations.
- POLMAN or ATMI graduate or equivalent technical college.
- 100% committed individuals with a positive attitude to work independently.
- Good communication skills in English and Indonesian.
- Own car.
We do offer:
- Attractive remuneration.
- Continuing training and development.
- A world-class product to back you up.
Send complete resume to:
The General Manager
PT Seco Tools Indonesia
Cawang Kencana Building Level 6, Suite 605
Jl. May Jend Sutoyo Kav.22 Jakarta Timur 13630
Or email to: indonesia.sales@secotools.com
Dear Bapak/Ibu HRD
PT Seco tools
saya bermaksud untuk melamar kerja sebagai sales engineer.
sebagai bahan pertimbangan sebelumnya saya pernah bekerja PT Somagede Indonesia
Mobile. 0816592407
Email : hudha.wsk@gmail.com
agung bermaksud melamar di seco indonesia sebagai sales engineer, selama ini saya sudah lama menggeluti bidang cutting tools selam 3 tahun,customer sudah familiar.mohon di pertimbangkan. Pendidikan S1 Teknik Mesin ITATS/ Sekarang Masih Menyelesaikan pendidikan S2 di STIESIA jurusan Manajemen Pemasaran
agung bermaksud melamar di seco indonesia sebagai sales engineer, selama ini saya sudah lama menggeluti bidang cutting tools selam 3 tahun,customer sudah familiar.mohon di pertimbangkan.