We are a well established foreign conglomerate having business interest in Oil Palm Plantations, Breweries, Financial Services and Leisure. PT Agro Harapan Lestari is the managing agent for Groups’ plantations in Indonesia, where the Group has a land bank in excess of 60,000 hectares of plantation and mills in Kalimantan Tengah and Kalimantan Timur.
The business model of Agro Group Plantations evolves around building and expanding sustainable plantation projects in the region focusing on adopting the industry’s best practices and deriving operational excellence. We envision becoming a fully integrated player in the industry value-chain to ensure long term sustenance of our business.
In line with our expansion plans and commitments for growth, we are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic professionals to be based in our Plantations
Store Assistant
- Ensure smooth store operations including quality and quantity of ordered item, and inventory
- Manage all issues and receipts related to stocks are properly accounted with inventory systems and control on a daily basis
- To ensure that supplies are available on all times and all items which have reached minimum level have been order on time
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting / Finance, with a minimum of 2 years qualifying experience in same position
- Familiar with FIFO system is an advantage
- Proficiency in English and computer literacy are essential.
- Preferred age between 25 – 30 years old
If you got what it takes to take on the challenge, please submit your application within 12 March 2009 indicating the job code of the post applied in the subject column to:
Ms. Holy
Email: holyg@agroholdings-id.com
Selamat Pagi Bapak /Ibu,
Dengan ini kami mengajukan Penawaran Burung Hantu (Predator) Pembunuh Hama Tikus Jenis Tyto Alba yang saat ini telah mendapat referensi dari RSPO,ISPO serta Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup bahwa Penggunaan Pembasmi Hama, khususnya Hama Tikus paling Efektif penggunaannya dengan Mengembang biakkan Burung Jenis Tyto Alba/Burung Hantu,sebab tanpa berakibat buruk terhadap Keberadaan Ekosistem lainnya,yang selama ini menggunakan Pestisida yang sangat berakibat buruk dengan terjadinya pencemaran zat Kimia berbahaya terhadap Alam sekitar.
File terlampir Terimakasih,
Hormat kami,
syodikun siregar Contact Person HP.081310291975/081319801975
iskandar, alamat, kalbar saya ingin bergabung ke Pt Agro Harapan, pengalaman saya pernah bergabung di group makin, pernah bergabung di yudha group, besar harapan saya dapat menjadi tim AHL. untuk Posisi ast. demikian info ini saya sampaikan atas perhatian y saya ucapkan terima kasih
SINAR DARMA NUSANTARA alamat. HWI lindetives lt.2 blok B 48 telp 021-6242866 fax.021-6242866 kami bergerak dibidang supplayer spare part genset dan alat alat listrik ,tool dll ,besar harapa kami apabila dapat menjadi rekan PT.AGRO HARAPAN LESTARI kedepan ya sebagai salah stu supplyer terima kasih