Saint John’s School, a National Plus School based in BSD City and Meruya, is in need of teachers for Academic Year 2009-2010 in the following subject areas:
Junior and Senior High
- Mathematics
- Biology
- History
- Chemistry
- Music/Choir
- Information Technology
- English (native speaker)
- Mandarin (native speaker)
- Physical Education (preferably female)
- Mathematics
- Science
- Mandarin (native speaker)
- Physical education (preferably female)
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Information Technology
- Homeroom teacher
General requirements:
- As a minimum, candidates must posses the following qualifications:
- Bachelor’s degree from reputable universities and teaching experience
- Team player and can do multi-function tasks
- Fluency in English, both speaking and writing
Send your application letter with comprehensive CV and related documents at the latest of mid February 2009 to:
HR Manager – Saint John’s School
Jl. Kencana Loka Raya No.8
BSD City, Tangerang 15310
Dengan hormat
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini
nama : say saripudin
ttl : bekasi, 15 nopember 1983
alamat : jl tapak serang no 1 rt 010 rw 004
kel lenggah jaya
no telp 021 98367711
pekerjaan : Guru SMK Dan SMA di Bekasi
Pendidikan 1. D3 Transportasi Udara
2. D4 IT
dengan ini saya mengajuan sebagai guru IT
Demikian surat keterangan dari saya , atas kerjasamanya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
I’m interest to join with ur school as a primary teacher