Teachers Saint’s John School Feb 09

Saint John’s School, a National Plus School based in BSD City and Meruya, is in need of teachers for Academic Year 2009-2010 in the following subject areas:

Junior and Senior High

  1. Mathematics
  2. Biology
  3. History
  4. Chemistry
  5. Music/Choir
  6. Information Technology
  7. English (native speaker)
  8. Mandarin (native speaker)
  9. Physical Education (preferably female)


  1. Mathematics
  2. Science
  3. Mandarin (native speaker)
  4. Physical education (preferably female)
  5. Bahasa Indonesia
  6. Information Technology
  7. Homeroom teacher

General requirements:

  1. As a minimum, candidates must posses the following qualifications:
  2. Bachelor’s degree from reputable universities and teaching experience
  3. Team player and can do multi-function tasks
  4. Fluency in English, both speaking and writing

Send your application letter with comprehensive CV and related documents at the latest of mid February 2009 to:

HR Manager – Saint John’s School
Jl. Kencana Loka Raya No.8
BSD City, Tangerang 15310
Email: hrd@saintjohn.sch.id

3 Replies to “Teachers Saint’s John School Feb 09”

  1. say saripudin, S.ST

    Dengan hormat
    Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini
    nama : say saripudin
    ttl : bekasi, 15 nopember 1983
    alamat : jl tapak serang no 1 rt 010 rw 004
    kel lenggah jaya
    no telp 021 98367711
    pekerjaan : Guru SMK Dan SMA di Bekasi
    Pendidikan 1. D3 Transportasi Udara
    2. D4 IT
    dengan ini saya mengajuan sebagai guru IT
    Demikian surat keterangan dari saya , atas kerjasamanya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

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