Team Leader
- Based in Banda Aceh
- Full-time for the duration of the activity
Coffey International Development is currently managing a three-year education program in Aceh, Support for Education Sector Development in Aceh (SEDIA). SEDIA aims to support the province of Aceh to improve effectiveness and efficiency of basic education throughout the province in line with policies and strategies in the 2007-2012 Aceh Provincial Education Strategic Plan.
We are currently seeking a Team Leader for the program based in Banda Aceh. The successful applicant will be responsible for the management of technical resources and collaborative management and deployment of resources provided by SEDIA in support of Aceh Education Strategic Plan. The Team Leader will work collaboratively with key partners and stakeholders in the Managing Group (MG) and the Program Steering Committee (PSC). She/he will be responsible to the SEDIA PSC, through MG and will report through the MG to AusAID Jakarta.
To be successful in this role, you will be degree qualified in a relevant discipline, preferably at post-graduate level and have substantial experience as an educational practitioner with specific experience working in development of education policy and managing education sector administrative functions for service delivery, as well as experience in working in partner government led aid modalities. Experience in Indonesia’s education sector and Aceh’s education reform program and in-depth understanding of education sector reform initiatives, partner relationships and inclusive development strategies which take into account the unique cultural, religious and social/post-conflict context of Aceh as well as fluency in Bahasa Indonesia is essential
The application Process: A Job description and an online application form for this, position is available via our website at or from Evy Suryanti at or Trisha Sawford at Interested applicants must submit the completed application form quoting relevant reference number COFF -1578 with a copy of their CV on
Application closed by 5pm on 22nd December 2010
Coffey international development. Specialist developing communities
Doan Wahyu Phermana
Bersama Ini saya mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan kepada perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
Oleh karena itu apabila ada kesempatan untuk bergabung menjadi Karyawan.
Identitas diri sebagai berikut:
Nama : Doan Wahyu Phermana
TTL : Malang, 10 Oktober 1984
Alamat : Jl Sultan Agung 81 Singosari 81 Singosari Malang
Pnddkn Terakhir : D3 Manajemen Keuangan & Perbankan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2007
Telephone : 081230127137
Pengalaman Kerja :
1. Monitoring Reload Pulsa International di Jakarta
2. Pengawas Pruksi PT KMJ Krian Sidoarjo Unit PT BERLINA Pandaan
3. Adminitrasi Produksi PR. GAGAK HITAM Bondowoso
4. Medical Reprensetatif PT PHAROS INDONESIA
Demikian Surat Lamaran pekerjaan saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatiannya terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Doan Wahyu P