The Finance Officer (FO) will plan, enhance and implement financial management systems for budgeting, tracking and monitoring of all aspects of the finances of the MDF and JRF operations and the portfolio. The FO is expected to coordinate closely with team members of the Secretariat in Jakarta, Aceh and Yogyakarta – specially, the ME Officers and Operation Officers in Jakarta, Aceh and Yogyakarta. The FO will report to the Deputy Program Manager in Jakarta on all (operational) aspects of his/her work program and work under the overall guidance of the Program Manager.
The FO’s responsibilities for the MDF and JRF programs include the following,
a) Financial management of the portfolio and operations of the two programs:
- Prepare and use appropriate financial reporting system that 1) complies with legal requirements with contributing donors (Administration Agreements) and grantees or executing agencies (GoI line ministries and Partner Agencies World Bank, UNDP and others) ; and 2) meets the reporting needs of the programs.
- Collate data required to prepare financial reports from SAP, project team leaders of World Bank and other non Bank Partner Agency (UNDP, ILO and WFP) project teams and other relevant sources.
- In consultation with team leaders, ensure that costs are charged to the appropriate charge codes by creating a monitoring system. Cash management of the MDF, including monitoring the cash status of the Fund to ensure that it has sufficient funds for its operations. This includes liaising with donors and ACCTF to request payments from donors and monitoring the disbursement process to ensure funds are transferred to projects and preparing regular cash forecasts.
- Develop and update the budgets, as needed; monitor and track budget and expenditures; and develop systems to advise program manager on program administration finances
- Support accounting, legal and other units in engaging with external and internal auditors of the programs.
b) Support Secretariat review of project documents and other documentation prepared for the Steering Committee and the Trustee
- Review and comment on financial section of project documents (eg project concept notes, project appraisal documents, inception reports, ISR, ICRs, MTRs and other relevant documents), including submissions to the Steering and Technical Review Committees
- Ensure project finances submitted by the project teams to the Secretariat are in Iine with Steering Committee approvals
- Support the preparation of financial information of the projects and portfolio in briefing notes, presentation and all communication materials prepared by the teams
c) Coordinate and track the preparation of new and amendments to legal agreements with contributors, grant and partner agency agreements, with Bank Country Office and other legal, accounting and relevant units
d) Administration activities of the MDF, including:
- Review the monthly expense reports prepared by the Team Assistant, for both Secretariat administration and project appraisal and supervision costs. Ensure that these are distributed regularly to related unit in Jakarta as well as in Headquarter.
- Regularly monitor the record keeping progress of the Team Assistants to ensure compliance with the relevant record keeping rules of the Bank. This includes regularly checking SAP records, IRIS records and hard copy files. This includes the creation of Child Trust Funds, creation of project codes, and maintenance of milestones.
- Regularly monitor Aceh operation monthly financial report to ensure it doesn’t exceed budget allocation for Aceh office in close coordination with Deputy Manager, Aceh and Nias.
e) Compliance with relevant polices of the World Bank and the Multi Donor Fund:
- Ensure that the activities of the MDF are in compliance with the Operations Manual of the programs and World Bank procedures
- Conduct research on relevant trust fund policies, including procurement, financial management and disbursement and apply policies, and seek advice from central units, where required
- Provide assistance and training to team assistants of the Secretariat and other project teams on financial matters relating to the MDF.
f) Communicate financial information to stakeholders relating to the program contributors and government regarding contributions, disbursements, spending, projects and program procedures on financial matters
- Write the financial chapters of the the semi-annual progress reports and annual public reports;
- Prepare the Quarterly Financial Report.
- Write other communications materials, as required.
- Master Degree (S2) in a related discipline or Chartered Accountant/CPA
- Minimum 6 (six) years of relevant experience in financial management and administration
- Fluent in both written and spoken English
- Initiative and ability to work independently
- Ability to work in a multi-cultural and large team environment
- Strong inter-personal skills
- Knowledge in the World Bank Operations and Procedures is an advantage
Closing Date: 29-Aug-2010
gin-gin ginanjar suardana.SE
Bersama ini saya mengajukan permohonan kerja kepada perusahan Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
apabila ada kesempatan untuk kerja di perusahan mohon beri kesempatan untuk bekerja.
indentitas diri;
nama ;gin-gin ginanjar suardana.SE
tgl ;bandung-22-12-1983
alamat ;jln pacul 6 no 16 rt07/11 kiaracondong bandung
pendidikan terakhir;ars internasional school
S1 manajemen
tlp ;0227277304,02275494077,08782229061
pengalaman kerja; bandung
2.universitas stikes cirebon midtou bni
Demikian surat lamaran pekerjaan saya buat,nohon pertimbangan dara perusahaan.atas perhatiannya terima kasih
hormat saya;
gin-gin g.s
Doan Wahyu Phermana
Bersama Ini saya mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan kepada perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
Oleh karena itu apabila ada kesempatan untuk bergabung menjadi Karyawan.
Identitas diri sebagai berikut:
Nama : Doan Wahyu Phermana
TTL : Malang, 10 Oktober 1984
Alamat : Jl Sultan Agung 81 singosari Malang
Pnddkn Terakhir : D3 Manajemen Keuangan & Perbankan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2007
Telephone : 081230127137
Pengalaman Kerja :
1. Monitoring Reload Pulsa International di Jakarta
2. Pengawas Pruksi PT KMJ Krian Sidoarjo Unit PT BERLINA Pandaan
3. Adminitrasi Produksi PR. GAGAK HITAM Bondowoso
4. Medical Reprensetatif PT PHAROS INDONESIA
Demikian Surat Lamaran pekerjaan saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatiannya terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Doan Wahyu P